The most frequently viewed service pages for the calendar year to date, ordered by number of views per Google Analytics.
IT never sleeps. There’s always news to share. Here’s the latest from our digital campus and beyond.

Recycle your old computers & electronics (for free!)
Don’t just throw your old computers, monitors, printers or even power adapters in your household trash. Recycle them safely and securely by bringing them to the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) Help Desk.

Workshop explores AI in teaching
Join this open conversation about lessons learned, with a focus on the future of using generative artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Apr 17, noon via Zoom.

Virtual Office Hours with CIO Lois Brooks & Adam Borger
Fridays, 9:15am via Zoom. Unscripted conversations with our chief information officer.

Learn & grow with EDUCAUSE
From the role of artificial intelligence in shaping future learning environments to a series on advancing women’s leadership, take advantage of free offerings from EDUCAUSE.

A beginner’s guide to programming
Curious about coding but don’t know where to start? This free workshop gives you everything you need to get started. Apr 14, at College Library or via Zoom.

Connect with peers at the IT Support Symposium
Does your role involve supporting IT-related functions—from help desks to audio/visual work? Join your peers at UW–Madison’s inaugural IT Support Symposium to connect and learn from each other. Register by Mar 21.

How to reactivate Duo on a new phone if you drop it in the ocean (or Lake Mendota)
Accidents happen—whether you plan to be near or far this spring break. Find out how to reactivate Duo on a new device. And it’s always a good idea to generate a list of backup codes, just in case.

UW grads: Here’s how to make sure your name is correct on your diploma
Graduating this spring? Congrats! Visit to check how your name will appear on your diploma and the commencement program, and fix any issues you find.

Nominate an exceptional colleague for the 2025 EDUCAUSE Awards
Do you know someone who continually goes above and beyond in the intelligent use of technology in higher education? Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize your colleagues. Nomination deadline: Apr 18.

What you need to know about this year’s UW Theme transition
Prepare for the upcoming UW Theme transition by learning how the new Gutenberg editor will transform your website editing experience.

Campus Software Library redesign coming Mar 25
The Campus Software Library is getting a makeover! We gathered feedback and redesigned the interface for a modern, sleek look—while keeping all your favorite software just a click away. Not familiar with the software library? Find out what it offers.

Powering the future: IT’s role in university sustainability
A message from Chief Information Officer Lois Brooks: University IT will be crucial in achieving UW–Madison’s ambitious sustainability goals. Balancing growing computing needs with environmental impact will be an exciting challenge for all of us in the coming years.
Campus IT Events
- March
- March 27
- March 27
- March 31
- March 31
- April
- April 2
- April 3
- April 3
- April 4
- April 8
- April 8